The Monkey is the 9th animal in the Chinese Zodiac and it is one of the top 5 in the upcoming Snake year, 2025.
The Monkey can appear in the year, month, day and hour of your natal chart.
Monkey Years
1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016
The Solar New Year starts after about February 4 but can vary by a day. Please click here to get your Natal Chart.
Monkey Month
Starts August 8th and ends on September 7th
Years Outlook
2025 is brimming with opportunities that you should take advantage of. You can easily connect with powerful people this year. Seek those with more experience or higher knowledge that can assist and elevate you.
Feel free to socialize and broaden your network, you never know when a conversation can lead to an opportunity.
Wealth Matters
Collaborative efforts are possible this year. Expanding your connections can lead to great synchronicities. Seek the right network and be open to new environments.
Health Matters
This may potentially be a busy year, so it is important that you be meticulous with your commitments. Schedule time for recreational activities and rejuvenation to keep a healthy life-work balance.
Relationship Matters
Avoid overcommitting, as this can lead to stressful situations. Setting firm boundaries will allow you to honor yourself and others time.
Best Months
April, May, December
Caution Months
February, May November
Note: this is based on solar months that start and end between the 4 or 8 of the month.
For information on Feng Shui energies, look up our newsletters, known as #Wisdomwednesday, for energy of the January. Would you like a more in-depth look into your Natal Chart? Schedule a Personal Constulation with me! I would love to help you!
We will be discussing the energies of the Rooster in next week's blog. Another top 5 animal for 2025