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The Snake in 2024

Continuing with the blog series to help bring awareness to the good and the bad opportunities every animal will experience in 2024, the Year of the Wood Dragon.  The solar cycle year is used in Chinese Astrology and starts February 4th, 2024.  This is different than the Lunar New Year, that begins on February 10.

The Snake is the 6th of 12 animals in the Chinese Zodiac. Known for its charm, it is one of the top 5 in 2024.  This can bring many positive blessings.

The Snake can appear in the month, day, hour and year of your birth chart as well as your luck cycle.  Click here to get your Natal Chart.

Snake Years

 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013

Note that Chinese Astrology uses solar years and they start around February 4.  If you were born in January, your year of birth is the previous animal.  Use our free resource to verify.

2024 Outlook

The Snake has many positive opportunities this year that can elevate their quality of life.  One of them is being able to tap into excellent opportunities and powerful connections that can help accomplish goals.  This alone can open the door to better investment opportunities, promotion, partnerships, and celebrations.

Career 2024

Have a clear goal and a defined a plan of what you want to create. Leverage your connections, reach out to those powerful and influential people around you.

There is opportunity to improve your skills this year as well as learning new ones.   Decide what can add value to your work and expand.  This may lead you to get noticed and can open doors to a future promotion as well as new ventures.

Best Months: January, August, September

Caution Months: February, November

Note: this is based on solar months that start and end between the 4th or 8th of the month.  Exact dates are described on our weekly #WisdomWednesday publications

Health Outlook

Do what you can to maintain and protect your high energy from those  that can drain you.  Others may be eager to take what you have away from you.  Place boundaries as this can affect your ability to manifest.Take time to rest and recharge.

Stay tuned next week for the energies of the Horse, who will need stability for 2024.

We have 1 spot left for our 2024 virtual webinar: “Awakening the Dragon”.  Our annual event takes place tonight.

The world is undergoing a tremendous change as we speak.  Learn what to be aware of in the coming year as we start a new 20 year cycle. Set yourself for growth from the get go.

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