The Tiger is the third animal in the Chinese Zodiac and can look forward to prosperity in 2025. The Tiger can appear in the year, month, day, and/or hour of your natal chart.
Tiger Years
1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022
Note: the Astrological year starts around February 4. It is the start of the Solar New Year. Please click here to get your Natal Chart as the start of the year can vary slightly.
Tiger Month
Starts February 3, 2025
Year’s Outlook
The Tiger made the top 5 in 2024 and 2025 gets even better. Whatever you’ve been working on can come to fruition with the right help. Take time to find the right connections based on your goals.
Wealth Matters
Being surrounded by the right people will allow you to grow personally and professionally. Wealth does not happen overnight. It is important that you nurture this energy or risk loosing opportunities.
Health Matters
It is important to be in harmony this year as arguments and stress can take the best of you and throw your health off balance. Increase wellness practices, walk in nature, meditate, or seek professional help, and/or find a friend you can talk to.
Relationship Matters
Having clarity is important. Be transparent and truthful about what you want so you can get the right answers in return. Experiencing negative relationships can blind your ability to see positive opportunities. Do your best to stay calm and grounded.
Best Months
June, October, November
Caution Months
May, August
Note: this is based on solar months that start and end between the 4 or 8 of the month.
We will be discussing the energies of the Rabbit in next week's blog, see you next week!
Do you want to learn more about next year’s energies? Join our webinar on Wednesday December 18 at 7 pm. Limited spots available. Better yet, book an appointment with me!